Friday, November 29, 2019

During The 1500s To 1800s, The Strength And Stature Of A Essays

During the 1500's to 1800's, the strength and stature of a country depended upon its political power, which can be traced to how self-sufficient it was. Striving to be self-sufficient was what nations sought after; dependency was not a characteristic of a powerful nation. Raw materials were the most required item to strengthen the central government, and deter interactions, such as trade with other nations. The first country to introduce mercantilism in America was Spain. The spanish american colonies were not allowed to trade directly with Europe. Instead they had to funnel all of the sugar and tobacco, two common commdities of the new land, through Spain. When this was done, heavy custom duties were imposed and the central government gained. Spanish American colonies were forced into providing precious metals and raw materials to the mother country. These colonies existed only to enrich spain, even if the economic policies adversly effected the well-being of the colonies. This grip caused the central economy of Spain to grow at the expense of the colonies. During the duration of this period, the 1500's through the 1700's, mercantilism had a major effect on the economies in the new world. English speaking colonies were effected by England's policies and acts. These policies and acts were means of controling the economy of the colonies in America and strengthen the central government of England. Dutch traders had the commercial vessel market well cornered in the 1640's. It was very difficult for English colonies to compete with the Dutch. With owning 75 percent of Northern Europes' vessels, being well-financed and experienced, the Dutch were going to stay in control of the market unless European Parliament intervined. In 1651 the European parliament enacted the first Navigation Act to undercut the Dutches domination. England was hoping that this Act would exclude the Dutch from trade with the English and force its own merchant marine to grow. This act was the first attempt to enforce merchantilism by England. The act proclaimed that all trade between France and English colonies, Europe and English colonies, and the colonies with themselves must be conducted on an english ship (Kurland). The British were hoping that this would boost the economy and expand the mercant marine. The failure of this act was caused by inadequate machinery to enforce the law. The english colonies publicly defied the act and kept on trading with the Dutch. The restoration of Charles II brought about major changes in 1660. All of the acts of the Commonwealth Parliament, including the Navigation Act of 1651, were considered illigal under his rule (Kurland). Charles II did not intend on doing away with the act, but revising it. The Navigation Act of 1660 was a restatement of the 1651 act, but it also established a list of items including: tobacco, cotton, wool, and indigo, that couldn't be shipped outside of the British empire (Barck and Lefler). This Act made the english colonies frusterated for they could get a higher price for these items outside of the british empire. The Navigation Act worked as a disadvantage to the colonies, but helped the central economy and government of the british by excluding such raw materials from trade to other countries. The Staple Act of 1663 was an offshoot of the Navigation Acts. It stated that all European goods bound for the American colonies must first land at an english port and then be reshipped to America in English vessels (Kurland). The British would benefit from this act by imposing custom duties on goods, which cost would be passed to the american consumer. The english merchants would profit from handling, insurance, and shipping fees. This Act also provided for a naval officer in all colonial ports to insure the upholding of the mercantile law. From the American stand point, the Staple Act meant higher prices and a blatant attempt of the British to exploit America for the benefit of the english merchants. There was no need for the Staple Act to be passed. The Act served no other purpose other than the enrichment of the British people and strengthening of the central government. Another example of the British trying to exert control over America was with the Molasses Act of 1733. This Act imposed a duty of nine pence per gallon on rum, six pence per gallon on molasses, and five shillings per hundredweight of sugar imported from French or Spanish colonies. The was no tax put on british rum, molasses, or sugar imported from British Colonies. The British, trying to control the american colonies, were largely ineffective. The act was vastly ignored by the Americans.

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